Brand new Azerbaijani mindset: 5 positive and you may 5 negative faculties

Brand new Azerbaijani mindset: 5 positive and you may 5 negative faculties

Why don’t we start by a charming list

You could number however into the charity contained in this country. Financing getting surgeries was increased inside the country total and you may, as a rule, done so in the place of examining people documents or healthcare provider’s permits. Beggars are amply dispensed alms, while they might look and start to become outfitted most useful that the donators themselves.

  1. Maturity to simply help visitors on the street

If you feel bad and you will slip in the street–you are given assistance. Even if you only stumble, you might tune in to this new scamper off helpers’ feet throughout, prior to you are able to a floor. They’ll be rushing to catch you.

  1. Regard for the elderly

Of course, not everyone clean out their particular and others’ elderly having wisdom and you can worry. But there is a certain range in public places conscience, that ought to not be overstepped, such as for instance, if an early on guy uses abusive language up against an adult person, they grounds such as a robust bad impression within the someone, why these the unexpected happens very barely. Continue reading “Brand new Azerbaijani mindset: 5 positive and you may 5 negative faculties”